Star Wars: The Essential Guide to Vehicles and Vessels by Bill Smith
Slave II

After escaping the jaws of the Sarlacc on Tatooine, the bounty hunter Boba Fett vowed revenge on Han Solo. Solo would pay--and so would the Hutt crime clans, if Solo was delivered to them. As Fett recovered from the encounter, he set into motion a plan.

Slave I was in impound, but a new ship would help Fett keep a low profile until he actually confronted Solo. Fett picked out a MandalMotors Pursuer-class patrol ship that was popular with Mandalorian police units because it was tough enough to handle pirates but had enough cargo space for standard policing duties. Using a false identity, Fett purchased the Slave II and began modifying this new prize for his for Solo.

Slave II is essentially a heavy patrol craft with a superior hull and powerful Torplex military-grade shield generators. Dual Tion Mil/Sci Mil-StarIV engines propel the ship, while three Corellian Engineering x41 manuvering thrusters are mounted in the port-side stabilizer brace. The three thrusters can be individually directed and provide excellent performance, especially for a heavy patrol ship.

For weaponry, Slave II has forward-firing twin blaster canons and an ion canon turret. Fett, always a suspicious type, has a rear-firing proton-torpedo launcher with a magazine of six torpedoes--an unwelcome surprise for anyone who has decided to follow too closely. Like Slave I, Slave II has a sophisticated sensor array system, although the ship at present lacks the stealth systems of Slave I.

Rumors have suggested that Boba Fett placed five force field-enclosed prisoner cages aboard Slave II. Knowing that his prime target's best friend is a Wookiee, Fett probably also installed molecularly reinforced cell walls and gravitic restraints in his cells.

Fett encountered Solo on the smugglers' moon of Nar Shaddaa, and the Corellian and his companions barely escaped. Slave II jumped into hot pursuit of the fleeing Millennium Falcon (which had been secreted aboard Salla Zen's Starlight Intruder). By cross-checking the Intruder's hyperspace vector, Fett was able to track Solo to the new Imperial capital of Byss. Slave II was severely damaged over Byss when Fett, attempting to follow the Falcon down to the planet's surface, smashed into the planetary defense shield. The stabilizer bar was ripped off in the crash, and the ship was disabled. All things considered, Fett got off lightly--if Slave II's shields had been down, the shield would have incinerated the ship. Rather than get the ship repaired, Fett has placed Slave II in drydock while retrieving Slave I to continue his pursuit of Han Solo.


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