I broke something.

So here I am, in the middle of completely rebuilding this site under the hood, when I went and broke something completely unrelated. I might get ambitious and fix it, but the rebuild is just about done, and I’d rather just put my effort there this point.

So what am I working on?

Well I’ve been excited to start doing more writing, but my build times on this site are painfully slow. This was my first big site built with Eleventy, and as a result, it’s sometimes a mess under the hood. Even though I redid a lot of stuff last year, I decided I needed to think even bigger. I decided my best bet was to rip out all the wires and plumbing and start over. I’m happy with the look of things, so the end result shouldn’t change much visually, except for some minor improvements to fix inconsistencies.

I’m taking a very deliberate approach, using a component system to help keep things consistent and DRY. I’m working a lot slower than I usually do because I’m trying to avoid putting up anything less-than-bulletproof. I’ve got some fun stuff in mind for future features, and this helps set the stage. I want to do more art-directed posts, and I’m going to be more deliberate with how I handle custom properties to make that much easier, so I can avoid fighting with my past self.

Oh, and I’ll post this up as a normal post when I get it back together.

See you soon!