This is the worksample archive.

It seems that I've produced shockingly little content on the topic of worksample, but every word and/or pixel is profound. This is my guarantee to you.

  • Building UX and Content Strategy maturity

    When I joined the American Physical Society, User Experience and Content Strategy were unknown. Here's how I built a capable web team and increased maturity while overcoming decades of inertia.

  • Global Search

    A look at how I helped to improve and unify the search experience covering 140 years of news and research publishing.

  • Resume

    I'm a team leader with 10 years of management experience, and a deep background in designing, building, and writing on the web.

  • Building an integrated, sustainable design system

    I led the effort to build component-based design system that could help maintain brand integrity, prevent design drift, and help small teams reduce duplication of efforts across a network of 10+ sites.